The Women’s Leadership Project (WLP), initiated in 2009, is a multi-year learning programme that combines theory and practice to support and strengthen feminist activism among our membership.Historically, the WLP (also called the Young Women’s Leadership Project, YWLP, in previous years) has worked with activists from member organisations in three provinces: Gauteng, Eastern Cape and Limpopo. Following an evaluation meeting in 2011 and a follow-up planning meeting in early 2012, it was decided to confine the geographic focus of the WLP to Gauteng. In 2012 and 2013, there were three main components in the WLP programme: feminist political education classes; short skills-building sessions on specific individual topics – documentary making (2012 and 2013) and facilitation training (2013); and special projects – violence directed at LBT people, intimate femicide and women organising in Marikana.